Setting CURLOPT_HEADER and CURLOPT_VERBOSE to 'true' are two of the most important ways to debug PHP cURL sessions. Detailed Description PHP’s cURL library is widely used by PHP applications to communicate with the eBay API. However, debugging cURL sessions can be problematic. Since many of eBay’s services require proper information in the HTTP headers, verifying correct header transfer is important. This can be done by setting the CURLOPT_HEADER to 'true'. Setting CURLOPT_VERBOSE to 'true' will display two-way communication between the PHP application and the server. You can also use curl_getinfo to get error messages. Sample Code and Session for CURLOPT_VERBOSE <?php $headers = array ( 'X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL: 507', 'X-EBAY-API-DEV-NAME: ABCD', 'X-EBAY-API-APP-NAME: EFGH', 'X-EBAY-API-CERT-NAME: IJKL', 'X-EBAY-API-SITEID: 0', ); $session = curl_init(); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, ...
phpmysql Introduction When we want to execute a specific task at a scheduled time, MySQL provides special functionality called triggers. Triggers are basically named blocks of code that are executed, or fired, automatically when a specified type of SQL statement is executed. Triggers can be executed before after an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement is executed on the table. Syntax CREATE TRIGGER trigger_Name {Before|After}{Insert|Update|Delete}ON table_name For EACH ROW sql_block For Example Using the following query, you can better understand what a trigger is and how to use a trigger to execute a specific task at a scheduled time. Query The following query creates a trigger named "MysqlTrigger", this trigger is associated with the name emp table and is fired before an update. When you try to update a name with lower case, it will automatically convert it to UPPER case . "CREATE TRIGGER MysqlTrigge...
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