
Showing posts from August, 2020

What is SQL Injection and it's types

Types of SQL Injection 🔶 In-band SQLi 🔷 Error-based SQLi 🔶 Union-band SQLi 🔷 Inferential SQLi 🔶 Boolean-based SQLi 🔷 Time-based SQLi 🔶 Out-of-band SQLi#100DaysOfCode 

14 Awesome chart libraries for JavaScript

14 Awesome chart libraries for JavaScript 🔥 📌 Chartist.js 📌 FusionCharts 📌 Dygraphs 📌 Chart.js 📌 Highcharts 📌 D3.js 📌 n3-charts 📌 Ember Charts 📌 Sigma.js 📌 Morris.js 📌 Cytoscape.js 📌 Rickshaw 📌 Plottable.js 📌 Canvas.js

git cheatsheet

git cheatsheet - git is ubiquitous - I have summarizes commonly used git commands - start slow 4 most commonly used command    git status    git add .    git commit -m "junk code"    git push

Useful HTML and CSS tools for You

Useful HTML and CSS tools for You  Web Developers 1. Firebug Lite 2. Web Developer Tools 3. Firefox Font Inspector 4. Codeanywhere 5. DropBox 6. Adobe Brackets 7. Measure it 8. Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator 9. Mozilla Thimble 10. CSS Tidy

Difference between 'composer install' and 'composer update'

Example composer update # composer update  will update our dependencies as they are specified in  composer.json . For example, if our project uses this configuration: "require": { "laravelcollective/html": "2.0.*" } Supposing we have actually installed the  2.0.1  version of the package, running  composer update  will cause an upgrade of this package (for example to  2.0.2 , if it has already been released). In detail  composer update  will: Read  composer.json Remove installed packages that are no more required in  composer.json Check the availability of the latest versions of our required packages Install the latest versions of our packages Update  composer.lock  to store the installed packages version composer install # composer install  will install all of the dependencies as specified in the  composer.lock  file at the version specified (locked), without updating anything. In detail: Read  comp...

Free icons

It's important to use icons with the same style in your project. So here's a list of free icons you can use. 🆓👇 🔸fethericons. com 🔸iconmonstr. com 🔸freeicons. io 🔸lineicons. com 🔸css. gg 🔸jam-icons. com

Best place to find free stock photos

17 best place to find free stock photos for your blog:  1 Pixabay 2 Unsplash 3 Pinterest 4 Foodiesfeed 5 Kaboom Pics 6 Life of Pix 7 Magdeleine 8 PicXclicX 9 Picography 10 Cupcake 11 Burst 12 Pexels 13 Wonderlass 14 Market 15 A Prettier Web 16 Just Arpi 17 She Bold   

How to create Database and import SQL file to MySQL using Command Line

  To create a blank database, launch the MySQL shell by entering: mysql –u root –p enter  password mysql> CREATE DATABASE new_db_name; Go to the created database use below command mysql> USE new_db_name; Display the contents of the database by typing: mysql> SHOW TABLES; Now you  can't see any tables because we haven't imported any table or database in it Now below command simple import the .sql mysql> source path/to/file.sql; Now you can use show tables command to see imported tables

How to create a custom console command (artisan) for Laravel Framework 6.16.0

Introdution : Laravel has a command-line interface named Artisan. This interface provides the developer a lot of useful commands to speed up the development process.commands that aim to make your life as a developer easier. Create and register command: The default command for creating user defined command is shown below − php artisan make:console <name-of-command> Example: php artisan make:command  health:check This should create a HealthCheck class in the /app/console/commands directory with App\Console\Commands namespace. Finally, our command is not registered, therefore we need to add it into our /app/console/Kernel.php file in the $commands array (provide the class path and name): protected $commands = [     // Commands\Inspire::class,     'App\Console\Commands\Healthcheck' ]; Use php artisan cache:clear to clear the cache and try executing your command with the previous given name: php artisan health:check The last method in the HealthCheck class is t...

What is git stash

Description:  Use  git stash  when you want to record the current state of the working directory and the index, but want to go back to a clean working directory. When to use:  If you have done some changes to you existing git repository files then you don't need to perform git commit and then take a pull of other developers to work. Git stash is a saviour for the interrupted workflow scenario How to Use/commands: git stash save <message> or git stash(create new stash) git stash list(it will git stash list) git stash show -p <stash-id>(it will show stash contain by id) git stash pop(it will take recent stash) git stash pop <stash-id>(get specific stash by stash id) git stash drop (drop latest stash) git stash drop <stash-id>(drop specific stash)

Accessing Remote Database Server from Local PhpMyAdmin Linux 16.04

Go to phpmyadmin directory  /etc/phpmyadmin/ Add the below lines in the config.ini.php at the end                                                                                          $i++;           $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘host’] = ‘HostName’;           $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘user’] = ‘UserName’;           $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘password’] = ‘Password’;           $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘port’] = ‘3306’           $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘config’; Start the development server php -S localhost:8080 and Enter. Now you can run PHPMyAdmin throughout localhost:8080 in your browser and Go. You...