Question: I am getting the following message: Notice: Undefined index: action in /home/fhlinux170/c/ on line 17 . Line 17 contains this line of code if($_POST['action'] == "send") Anwser This error appears because of your PHP error reporting settings. Usually, it appears when your variable is not properly set. There are two ways to handle this issue: 1. Check if $_POST['action'] is set before using it. For example: if (! isset ( $_POST [ 'action' ])) { //If not isset -> set with dumy value $_POST [ 'action' ] = "undefine" ; } 2. Suppress Notice warnings Notice warnings could be suppressed by changing the error_reporting variable in your PHP.ini. error_reporting could be set to show all errors except those for notices and coding standards warnings: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE The same is accomplished by adding the following line in your ...